
Be Careful while you are travelling in sleeper coaches of Railway!

Straight to the point . See I have got something to tell you . Something important . And as we know time is the most valuable currency without wasting much of your time ..lets start we go: : : . . Carrying my heavy air bag my friend debu was almost panting. I was engulfed with a severe cold.  Head bursting with ache.  We were headed for platform no.  8 to catch  vaishali express which would take me to my hometown.I had a worst running nose that day. Debu looked more tired than I was. I tried to ease  my friend by saying we were almost there but he would keep asking how far then to go (and probably using swear words for me in his mind).    Train was already stationed at platform 8. A sigh of relief. Wasting no more time, Through all the rush and overcoming all the hustle I reached  my seat. Shoved my bag inside seat. Settled.  Finally. Another bhaiya who had also started for the railway station earlier but due to  traffic was a bit late. But he t